Spotify came hard making everyone relive their year and even the decade in music! I think that for many people, this was the first time they reflected on their year or their time as a Spotify customer – I know it was for me!
Personally, I did not know what to expect when I decided to find out what my year in music was. The results were not surprising though – Nicki Minaj, Kirk Franklin and Les Brown were my top artists *inserts laughing emoji*
Beyond my Spotify playlist, and my natural hair which went from barely lifting off my scalp to reaching my lower neck area, my 2019 was one filled with immense growth which I am grateful will continue into the new year and decade.
In retrospect, as a student, the calendar year seems extra-long as you are in two parts of your academic journey in one year. I started 2019 going into the second term as a second-year law student, President of the KU Law Society and President of Kingston Hub. I’m ending 2019, no longer the President of any group at university, but an eager final year student trying to think of ways to get 14,000 words of academic writing done before 27 March 2020 while balancing the other million things I do.
Life comes at you FAST! Over the weekend, one of my best friends messaged me
‘AA.. buh sis.. finish line in sight uk’
I can’t believe that I’m almost done with my undergraduate degree and one step closer to being a lawyer!
I’ve grown quite a bit in 2019 and I’m pretty sure that you, the fabulous person reading this blog post has grown quite a bit as well.
What I’ve come to appreciate is the comfort that comes with growth. This may sound like an oxymoron because you see quotes about growth being outside your comfort zone. I think that you can grow comfortably, but even then, you’re not necessarily doing the best thing for you.
One of my favourite lecturers recently left our university for a new job, and I made it my duty to ensure I saw her before she left KU. All of my lecturers and my personal tutor, in fact, are absolute gems! They are interested in our growth and make time for us even outside of their office hours. However, they are quite different from me! This lecturer however, is from an underrepresented group in law, female AND was an international student! She knew exactly where all of my doubts and fears were coming from, and she made me realise that though she was happy to have seen my growth at university, I was still growing comfortably. She admitted that she too was growing comfortably and it is good for people like us to take jumps into the unknown. She gave me so many tips on adjusting to life after KU (I’m actually having separation anxiety more than six months before graduation – woah) and told me how much we are actually alike which I would describe (in the words of my secondary school Principal) as an 'ah-haa moment' because she is a PHENOMENAL woman!
2020 will be a big year – I can already feel it. Graduation, start of my postgraduate studies, vacation schemes, training contract offers, growing love life, better health and oh another year of God’s GRACE!
2019 may have been a year of growth for you and I share in your joy! If you thought that you did not accomplish things you set on your 2019, New Year’s resolution list, don’t worry.
You have ANOTHER day, week, month, year and decade to work on it!
There are some goals I set for myself that I did not see come to past and of course I’m bummed about it, but fingers crossed, 2020 will be the year for that goal to come to past.
My favourite speaker, the amazing Lisa Nichols has three things she introduced to followers a couple of years ago which I think can be implemented all throughout the new year and beyond!

"Number one, celebrate your wins ! 🥂🎉🎈 It's so important. We go under-celebrated. Listen. People are following your example of how great they get to treat you. I want you to find 10 things, that's 10 things that you can celebrate yourself for. 10 things that you're proud of and the sentence is: I am proud that I....... and find 10 things. You can go large, you can go small. Whatever it is that you know you want to be celebrated for, CELEBRATE YOURSELF FIRST."

"...Identify what rejuvenates you and be in active self care. Find the things that rejuvenate YOU. It's not the same thing for everyone. Think about what those things are and commit to be in active self care between now and the end of the year..."

"Number three. Instead of setting annual goals which are what I call macro goals, I want you to set quarterly goals. Every 90 days. So they'll need to be smaller, more attainable so you have a chance to really see and have bite-sized, digestible, palatable pieces of goals to meet. Instead of one big goal that takes you eight months, nine months to see if you're on track. Do quarterly goals. You can get to any macro goal 90 days at a time."
Wishing you an amazing new year filled with big yet realistic goals and anything else you want for yourself and your family! I'm excited for another year running this blog! May 2020 be the year of massive growth of our brand!
Here's to all things glitter and Unicorn related
Faustina (Your favourite Unicorn)
