So, it's currently 22:44 on Wednesday August 28, 2019. On my bed currently I have a stuffed unicorn, another unicorn pillow and four notebooks which I'll be using (one per module obvi) for the next academic year.

It really hit me at just now that I'm really going into my FINAL year of university.
To be honest, I don’t think I'll finish this blog post tonight because this realisation gave me a headache and I have better things to do like sending pictures of my new notebooks and talking about the new pink one litre water bottle I also got today (yay, hydration!).
So, to be continued…
Fast forward to today, Friday September 27, 2019 – wow, almost exactly one month since I attempted this post! I’ve just finished my first week at university. Not a big deal, BUT it’s my last year at Kingston University. So many things are becoming surreal, and I’m sure this is a reality for many law students who are thinking about the next steps – LPC, LLM, BPTC, work, travel? Let’s not even go into the vacation scheme, training contract or pupillage applications.

This reality is the same for non-law students who we are bombarded with questions like “what are you doing for your Masters?” or “are you doing your Masters right after undergrad or are you working first?”

Life comes at you fast and time really doesn’t slow down. Today in my Equity and Trusts lecture (my only core module) we had a short Welcome to Level 6 talk with our year leader and two other lecturers. One of her slides had a short sentence along the line ‘enjoy yourself’. I think the entire class, including the lecturers present chuckled, because we all know what is in store for us over the next six months of teaching and eight months until our last undergraduate exams. Let’s just say that this year is a big deal!
The title of this blog post is getting back on the horse, and after a LONG four-month vacation, easing my way into uni life this week was ROUGH. Because it’s my final year, I’m trying some new things I’ve learnt over the past two years that I’ll share with you:
Hear me out -
Set a bed time
I say this now, and hopefully I’ll keep to it even during coursework season, but only time will tell. Setting a reasonable bed time not only improves your productivity, but allows you to get the needed hours to be alert in lectures the following day. Many of us are night workers, but even after a certain time, our brains can’t take on any more. I’d suggest any time before midnight – so whatever works for you!
Create an 'everything' timetable
I remember when I was getting ready for my CSEC exams, I created a time table outlining my entire day. Over the last week, I’ve done this again to keep me scheduled during my day mainly because all my lectures are in the afternoon and mornings seem to evade me. I’m an early riser and prefer 9am lectures and my extra curriculars in the afternoon. With everything turned upside down with this new timetable, my system needed a change! Remember to find what works for you, be it a daily timetable, diaries, electronic calendars etc. Fun fact: I use all these methods - call me thorough!
Take a breath when you need it and ENJOY your final year!
I set some professional goals last academic year and hit them. I’m excited for those I’ve set for 2019/20 and to see how I get to achieve them. These professional goals will be fun – I just know it! I also can’t wait to the nights out with friends to destress, socials by the Law Society and my last KU Law Ball. The year will go by quickly and being it’s our final year, my suggestion to you (final year or not, if I’m being honest) is really enjoy it. You won’t get this year back…ever!
Work hard, like realllyy hard; but play HARDER!
Wishing everyone who started uni this week (or early August or September to my non-UK peeps), an extremely productive and successful year! You are capable of greatness so give yourself some credit! Take it one day at a time, do your reading before class, prepare for your seminars, ask loads of questions and go to your lectures!
All the best kiddies!
- Your favourite Unicorn
