Is it even still politically correct to say Happy New Year on January 10 (or later)? Personally if I see you for the first time and we're still in January, you're definitely getting a new year greeting as if it were 30 minutes after midnight on January first !
Oh well..
The caption of this blog post is truly what it is ! We officially launched our YouTube page ! So once you've watched our video, please subscribe. We're making playlists as time progresses of motivational videos and sermons which we love !
Disclaimer: This is our first time recording and editing such a video, so its not as smooth as we would like it to be, nor is it perfect. There are some faux pas which we wish we knew how to make better, but currently we're not there. Nonetheless, WE DID IT ! We took that jump, got out of our heads, and posted a YouTube video !
Here's the link:
It's okay to laugh with us at our mistakes ! So, here's to a poorly edited first YouTube video and the second YouTube video which will be extraordinary !

-- Your favourite Unicorn