Dear Diary,
So today I gave in – I baked! Now I’m not a baker and truth be told, I prefer cooking as I rather savoury over sweets. But the thing is, sometime last month, Jae baked some cupcakes and I just wanted to be in the sauce (basically means I wanted to bake too).
I’ve been seeing A LOT of baking all over Instagram since people are stuck at home, and a lot of people said that baking helped with coping with all of this.
I was a bit sceptical BUT after being anxious for the last few days I actually feel so much better after all of this baking. It’s actually crazy!
The cherry on top was that both my sister and cousin said that my aunt (who bakes and is my favourite everrrrr) would be proud!

I attempted brownies as well, but since I'm a rookie baker and didn't realise using self-raising flour for brownies was not a good idea, it just turned into chocolate cake.
Basically, it’s coming up to one month since everything has been up in the air. I find that it’s even crazier that we still have uni work to do. I don’t think that it’s the workload that’s the issue. It’s the fact that there is so much being bombarded on our poor brains, yet we have to find the strength, motivation and mental capacity to get the work done.
Last week we got an email about graduation and not going to lie, it broke me a little, but I had a piece of coursework due in (today actually) so had to muster the strength to get it done.
It’s crazy to think that university students across the globe, no matter their current circumstances, are essentially being forced to get the work done during this crisis.
One thing I’d like to reassure people is that it really helps to do things that make you feel better. Yesterday I had a soca session and I gave my neighbours another taste of Caribbean music! I’m not sure if I may take up baking as a stress reliever, but I will definitely do some more at a later date as it was in fact quite therapeutic.
Still sending everyone good vibes because we really need all the best energy sent our way (especially uni students). The end of the road is VERY near since most of our terms end in May. Keep holding on!
To my final year students whose graduations have been postponed or cancelled – honestly, not sure what to say to you, but if you have any tips on how to process it, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I’ve packed processing it to the side for now since I have work to do, but I know that once I’ve submitted my final assessment on 8 May, it will come back to the front of my head.
Anywho, until the next time