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It's time to take action

Writer's picture: The Unicorn Project .The Unicorn Project .

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook (golly, I hope you do!), the caption for our motivation Monday started our like this: We romanticize the posts we see on the internet about talking things into existence, vision boards and bucket lists. You know what all of the people who have achieved things they've spoken into existence, accomplished things on their vision boards and bucket lists have in common ? THEY WORKED FOR IT !

I know, I know you may be thinking why am I telling you about setting goals, and vision board in SEPTEMBER, of all months ! And that, right there, my friend is the problem. I think, that we think, we should only take time for serious goal setting on the days leading up to January 1,so that we can say ‘new year, new me’ (if that’s still a thing). This shouldn’t be the case. You should be setting goals quite often, then work towards these goals.

In one of his interviews, Denzel Washington says : “ Dreams without goals are just dreams, and they ultimately fuel disappointment. So have dreams, have goals – life goals, yearly goals, monthly goals, daily goals… to achieve these goals, you must apply discipline and consistency.”

The part about daily goals and (weekly goals), these are the most important. Our yearly or macro goals can be broken down into micro goals which make achieving them less daunting. For me, one of my macro goals for 2018 was launching this blog, yet there were a million (maybe even more) micro goals that needed to be achieved first. Every Sunday I write a list of my weekly micro goals, whether it is submitting an assignment, using the stairs instead of the lift at least 3 days, read two chapters from my book, drink more water – anything makes the list, really.

My 'micro goals' created for The Unicorn Project in June

Fun fact: You may be wondering why I don’t call it a ‘to do list’. That’s because the word ‘goal’ has a positive effect on your brain as opposed to ‘to do’. Our subconscious sees goals as invigorating and something we WANT to accomplish, whereas the latter is seen as something we’re forced into doing, making it not fun or worthwhile.

Source: NYMag

Anywhoo, back to business. Before you get your micro goals, think about your macro goals.

I found that Wikipedia explains it perfectly. A vision board or dream board is a collage of images and affirmations of one’s dreams and desires, designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation, and to use the law of attraction to attain goals. Such a simple, straight forward concept isn’t it?

To make your vision board planning easier, here are some categories under which you can write your wants/dreams, so you know what pictures to source.

*Categories were sourced from a gratitude journey I have done, and some I came up with:

1. Health and body

2. Career and work business

3. Money

4. Relationships

5. Personal desires

6. Material things

7. People you want to meet

8. Places you want to visit

Once you’ve got this done, use the internet to find pictures which match your words, then cut it out and stick them on Bristol board or just on your wall, and voila ! One thing to note; put your vision board in a place where you can see it daily, so your subconscious mind constantly soaks in your desires, and your conscious mind is reminded of what you want to work towards.

I have done vision boards for a few years now (even before I had these categories), and I have accomplished a lot. But as I said under my motivation Monday post, YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR IT ! The first step to taking action is planning !

Happy vision board-ing !

- Your favourite Unicorn


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