Grey hair
Too tired to go clubbing…Can’t party two nights in a row
Recovery time is not like it used to…a hangover which used to last a few hours in the morning now lasts 2-3 business days
Friday nights under the covers with Netflix and pajamas
Going out less because you want to save money and let’s face it…most times you don’t even have the energy
BRING IT ON!!! I embrace it! I accept it! I love it! I revel in it! I make no bones about it!
But… I wasn’t always this way. *STOP* *REWIND*
Circa 2010. London, Brunel University. My dorm room. Me. Sitting and worrying about my early onset grey hair getting worse and worse. It seemed like it was becoming a monthly task and I was quite irritated with the whole idea and process of it. I’m 23 years old after all! Getting older was taking a toll on me. These grey hairs hurt my self confidence, my “hotness” and my time. I sat there in my self-wallowing pit of grey hair.
Then, early in 2011, something happened that changed my entire perspective on getting old. I got one of those middle-of-the-night phone calls with bad news. A really good friend of mine had passed away in a motor accident (RIP Shane). I had only ever lost people who were much older than me like my grandpa, grandaunt, you know… older folk. But when I lost him something in my brain and heart went sideways and since then I have never been the same. Losing a loved one who was the same age as me, left me with a hole I couldn’t fill and a lot of questions about life.
“Death has a curious way of reshuffling one’s priorities” Captain Jack Sparrow
While, I was out here worrying about my early-onset grey hairs he was gone. Just like that. *POOF* Here today…gone tomorrow. It made me realize that I had something that he didn’t…LIFE. And grey hairs are NOTHING compared to death so I shouldn’t waste time moaning about getting old. I changed my perspective completely when I came to the conclusion that EVERY YEAR THAT I’M ALIVE IS A GIFT! I should be grateful because not just my friends, but there are so many young people who don’t make it to 20, 26, 27…sometimes not even 16.
That tragic accident really slapped me in the face with some seriously needed PERSPECTIVE. From then on, I decided that I would embrace everything about getting old. Not saying I wouldn’t dye my grey hairs (lol i mean…) but I would take care of it without complaining. Sometimes I wouldn’t dye them for months and really started to accept it as who I am. And I was happy to show them off as my receipt of thanks for seeing more years on this earth.
And though it’s “traditional” to celebrate big only for “milestone birthdays” You know the 18..21…25…30. Pssssshhhtttt!! I threw that out the window too. I TURN up for ALL! Every.Single.One.
Every one I get is a milestone. Odd numbers and even numbers alike. So I do something amazing every birthday. In fact, every day I have life in me, I say THANK YOU!
Life is a journey, a process, a continuous story. Enjoy every phase. Live for you. Serve others. Laugh daily. Enjoy your grey hair. Enjoy your Netflix nights. Accept that you can’t drink like you used to. Save money. Travel. Do shit that matters to you! Eat healthy and exercise so your body will keep up BECAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE ARE NO LONGER HERE TO DO SO.
Here’s hoping if you’re reading this you realize you are BLESSED to be here and if it’s your birthday… HAPPY BIRTHDAY KING/QUEEN.
Peace, Love and Light!
- Kers

I have some really amazing people in my circle don’t I? Meet one of the people who inspires me! Born and raised in the small fishing village of Anse la Raye, Kerstin’s family always wanted more for her than just the regular. They pushed her to excel in education, which would secure her success and her future. She has a passion for youth and community work and has been working with Youth on Fire Movement (YOFM) from Anse la Raye for the last seven years. She has served in the positions of President and Vice President and currently holds the role of an international affiliate. She is TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) qualified and currently lives in Japan where she is employed as English Teacher.
I'll be back next week, okay, maybe the week after, writing on a topic really close to my heart! So stay tuned!
- Your Favourite Unicorn