It’s that time of the year again! When summer comes around, days seem longer, nights are more exciting and everyone just feels a little more alive. I love it because it’s the most carefree time of the year and for a nonchalant person such as myself, my outfits get to reflect that.
Most of us, whether subconsciously or not, have an idea of how we want to look during this time, when we all “start wearing less and going out more”. For many, the pressure is on from the start of the New Year to get into shape, whether through working out or dieting, to obtain that “summer body”. It’s impossible to escape this pressure because many women (and men) spend time comparing themselves to others with “goal bodies” and with social media at its peak; we are constantly bombarded with ads 24/7 of “flawless” people telling us how to fix our bodies.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s perfectly normal to set body goals or to identify parts of our bodies that you want to improve on. It’s actually beneficial to pursue a healthier lifestyle but let the reason be because you love you body and not because you hate it. If working in a medical lab the last few years has taught me one thing; weight and size do not always equate to health! There are many small-bodied people with numerous health issues and bigger-bodied individuals with a clean bill of health. We are always so unnecessarily hard on ourselves about things we cannot change when self-love and acceptance are continuously highlighted as a simpler route to happiness.
We know all the right things to say to our loved ones when they open up to us about insecurities. We accept them with open arms and without judgment, we remind them that they’re beautiful regardless of what they consider flaws. So why can’t we do the same for ourselves? In order to truly manifest self-love we must learn to treat our bodies like it belongs to someone we love. We must remember to admire ourselves with the same passion we have for others.
“Your biggest commitment must be to yourself”
Bridgett Devoue
Summer is not the time to be stressing over what you look like while trying to have fun. They make swim suits in your size for a reason and summer will take whatever body you have to give. The goal this year and always is to feel comfortable in whatever you wear and to have fun making memories with people who care about you. Don’t take moments for granted assuming that there’ll be more. We’re here for a good time not a long time!
If you know me, then you knew that sooner or later my best friends would make an appearance during our year of guest bloggers. They both wanted to do their birth months (obviously) but only one of them was lucky enough to get it. Hint: it isn't this best friend I'm about to tell you about.

Destinie and I are to the point where we aren't even friends but sisters (cliché but totally true). We've know each other since secondary school - we were in the same class. Any St. Joseph's Convent past and present students KNOW that A3 girls are the best!
This girl is truly one of my favourite humans ever. Just this morning as I was asking her which photo to use, I told her that I'm thinking of getting a cake for The Unicorn Project's one year anniversary which is EXACTLY one month away. Anywho, she told me I should defo get a cake - now you see, this may be small to you but my corny suggestions like this one rarely get the immediate thumbs up from her and my other best friend who you will meet next month. I honestly cracked up by her response.
Destinie is not all games and laughter though. She is a hard working young woman who has a brain unlike anything I've ever seen. She's a woman in STEM after all [both of them are in fact, and I'm here doing law]. Destinie currently holds the position of Medical Technologist at a hospital in the US.