If this is the first time you're coming across a post from The Unicorn Project, I'll let you in on a phenomenal project we have going on. Hmm, The Unicorn PROJECT is also running a project? I don't know, but I just had to stop to understand this sentence as I've had less than three hours sleep (yay University)!
This initiative has gotten so much love and I am so eternally grateful for all TWELVE of 2019's guest bloggers.
January may not be a preferred month for many, but for Kate Tiffany Popo, January is the best thing to happen since slice bread ! I hope you enjoy Kate's piece as much as I did ! Read all the way down, to get to know more about her !
The Perfect Date
She smiled back at the mirror
Hoping to find the beauty buried beneath the strength of her stature
As she paused for a moment,
She listened to the haste in the eerie silence
Which propelled her to get on with her… Perfect Date.
She scurried to put on the face
Her lashes, red lips, rosy blush and that popping necklace
She pocketed her heart and mind in the palm of her hands
And withstood the urge to bag all her plans
For this night would turn out to be her… Perfect Date.
She slowly moved closer towards the mirror
Knowing that she wanted more
Out of life. She wanted all what was in store,
Away from the aimless allure of being poor.
She swiftly grabbed at the chance for her… Perfect Date.
She pulled out her pen, full dreams now in sight
Not a thought to anchor her goals now in flight.
She jotted the plans pelting out of her head
A night to herself and the opportunities that lay ahead
What a time to enjoy her … Perfect Date.
As a teacher, I feel compelled to ask a few questions based on the poem, simply to assess your comprehension of it. Here’s the first (and only) question: Based on the poem, what would you describe as the character’s Perfect Date?
Maybe, you have heard this question being asked before. You may have seen the movie “Miss Congeniality” when Miss Rhode Island was asked to describe her perfect date. She smiled and said “I’d have to say April 25th because its not too hot and not too cold.” One would hope that at least such a description would be cradled with scenes of candles lit and attires adorned by glittering smiles of wonder and anticipation. Instead, the cheery, perhaps nervous contestant, opted to answer the question with an actual date, found on the calendar. My assessment of this response- Well, that is one way to look at it!
What would you describe as your perfect date? What date on the calendar would you choose as the perfect time to do something? In a class discussion, I recently asked my students to describe what a calendar is and what it is used for. An enthusiastic little seven-year old boy eagerly raised his hands and provided a fascinating response that truly caught my attention. He confidently exclaimed “Miss, a calendar has dates on it to tell people when they should do something.”

What, then, does your calendar say to you? What is the perfect date to start working towards achieving your goals? Have you marked out the date by which you should feel accomplished? If you have written your goals for 2019, when do you plan to begin work on the construction of your future? February 11? August 24? April 25th, when it is not too hot or cold? How about right now? Today!

One of my favourite t-shirts reads: ‘DO IT NOW sometimes later becomes never’. It is that simple. Whatever you need to do to get ahead, DO IT RIGHT NOW! Your perfect date should be TODAY.
You may have struggled to get through your goals last year. Perhaps, you became intimidated by the mountain that you set for yourself to climb. However, start by taking just ONE STEP. Don’t ever forget:
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”-Lao Tzu
For those of us who struggle to find the right time to realize our goals, here’s a tip. Start working on it today! Do a little something that will get you a little closer to achieving that target- Drink an extra cup of water, do five more squats, wake up five minutes earlier, read that other chapter, write that extra verse. Whatever you feel may get you a tad bit ahead of where you were yesterday, do it today!
Live your Life!
Look out for something special from me in 2020! I’m working on it from today!
About Kate:

I am Kate Tiffany Popo from the picturesque community, Anse-la-Raye. I recently celebrated my twenty-seventh birthday on January 4th, a day in which I have designated as 04.01-The ultimate day to be happy. I am a well-rounded and well-grounded youth activist and a member of Youth On Fire Movement (#YOFM15). My true passion at this point of my life lays in the lasting effect of well-arranged literature piece, that can appease the heart and stimulate the mind. I enjoy teaching and getting my students to recognize their own potential and gifts. I appreciate the joy of laughter and the memories formed from a well-spent night out, and I enjoy the solace of silence and time spent with God, my family and friends.
You can contact Kate via :
Email: katepopo25@gmail.com
Facebook: Kate Popo
Instagram: @katepopo4